Coeliac / gluten free tweetup - Monday 11th July

Thanks, John of GFLifeIreland, for suggesting this...

Date for your diaries: Monday 11th July 8-9pm GMT is the time and date for the next UK and Ireland coeliac and gluten free Twitter chat - or 'tweet up'.

The hashtag, like last time, will be #gftweetup.

Last time I kicked us off with a question to start us off on the night, which I'm happy to do again, but if someone else wants to, or wants to suggest a topic, by all means DM me on Twitter or email me through my website.

Those of you on Facebook will I'm sure like to spread the word there. Obviously, let's spread the word on Twitter too - and I'll issue reminders in the run-up.

I'll add any important updates to this thread (eg in the event of Twitter overload on the night) and if you have any thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment.

Hope all of those who joined us last time can join again, and that some new faces show up too!

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