Every Label Hinders …

… if it’s got ‘may contain nuts’ on it. And, sadly, it seems that many Tesco products do.

If you’ve not yet heard of the brouhaha that kicked off last week on Tesco’s Facebook page following their confused and mixed messages concerning their ‘may contain’ labelling policies, then the following links will I hope prove useful (not least because they excuse me from writing about a subject their writers understand far better than me).

Do check them out – even if your sensitivity is to a food other than tree nuts or peanuts, as wider awareness is vital and allergy labelling impacts many people living a free-from lifestyle, for whatever reason or due to whichever allergen or food component.

I will add to them as the story develops and as I come across them.

* Louise of NutMums.com’s Tesco ‘May Contain Nuts’ Labelling Fiasco post is a useful primer.
* Bev of I Bake Without asks ‘Why must we fight for good allergy labelling?’ – featuring pictorial examples of ‘may contain nuts’ warnings on plain yoghurt, ham and baked beans, amongst others.
* Here’s nut-allergic journalist Jane Merrick in the Independent.
* Here are Allergy Adventures' thoughts, with a terrific cropped image.
* A new dedicated Twitter account, May Contain Nuts – which certainly contains traces of genius.
* The Grocer has covered the story here (10th April 2014).
* Bitter Wallet - with poor choice of head and a Sainsbury's label to illustrate - have covered it in their own unique style right here (10th April 2014).
* Foods Matter's Michelle Berriedale-Johnson has blogged here (12th April 2014)
* A petition has been started (15th April 2014) - sign it here.

You may also be interested in Tesco’s poorly composed Allergy Advice page, which holds that reactions to allergens are ‘usually unpleasant’ and that ‘If there are traces of an allergen in the product this will be given as a “may contain statement”.’

Let’s not forget this from last year: Sugarpuffish’s picture of peanutM&M’s in Tesco’s freefrom section remains hard to beat.

And might there be some irony in the fact you can buy a book called May Contain Nuts from Tesco too?

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